Wednesday, February 24, 2010


I am not a morning person. I love my bed, I love the luxury of being able to lay in there in the morning and just relax. Now with two boys that doesn't happen very often! But thankfully Ray knows how much I love my mornings and he gets up with the boys when he gets ready for work, and gets some time in with them. But Ray has been away working these past three weeks.
So along with missing my snuggles and having someone to keep me warm at night, I thought I was going to miss out on that extra 15 minutes in bed each morning.
So I was shocked when, in the first week Ray was gone, Adam had to be woken up to make it to playschool on time, and Taylor was just perfectly happy and quiet (that NEVER happens!) in his bed. I got my time in bed!
That made my days start off a lot nicer, and we all know that when Mum is happy...everyone is happy!
Well the second week didn't start off the same way. Adam would wake up and go upstairs and put on a movie. Then Taylor would wake up crying, which in turn woke me up.
Now this part might seem really mean, but Taylor cries for everything...EVERYTHING! And the moment he is picked up he stops. So in the past nine months, I have become somewhat desensitized. I can easily block it out. I know that he is fine, he isn't hungry (he is not a breakfast boy...weird!) and he is safe in bed.
So I lay there in bed, in that awake, but not awake mode. Taylor screaming down the hall. Then along comes Adam, crawling in to bed saying "The sun is up Mum! It is morning time!" I normally respond with a grunt! Then off he goes into his brothers room, turns on the light and says "Good Morning Taylor-Bug" Taylor responds better than I do, with a giggle! Then they play. Adam puts toys into the crib (he used to climb in there, but since we have been putting the side fully up, he can't) and they play together. All the while I am lying there listening to my two boys giggling together.
I love waking up to that...actually sometimes I even fall back asleep :) Then once the giggling dies down, and they both get bored, I get myself up, and we begin our day.
I am so lucky to have two boys that love playing together. I am so lucky that they seem to understand that Mum needs to get out of bed in her own time. And I am so lucky that my husband understands my love for the bed!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Things I love

1. Laundry. Yes, laundry. I love how it is always there to do. It is always sitting there, whispering my name. Free time? Do some laundry! I also really enjoy how it seems to have doubled since Taylor was born. I find comfort in knowing that no matter will always be there.

2. Renovating. I love it. Why else would I be going through it all again. And there is one thing that is better than just plain old renovating. Living in the house while you are renovating...add to that a crawling baby and you have bliss! The dirt, dust, paint, tools, screws lying on the floor, all adds to the magic. There is just something about being able to see the 'bones' of the house you are residing in, especially when you are lying in bed. Throw in a few safety hazards and I am one happy woman.

3. Drywall. Not only does drywalling pay our bills (most of the time!) but it adds a little 'something-something' to our daily life. We have begun to use drywall buckets as household decorations. I currently have two sitting in the entryway-complete with tools. I love going into the bathroom and seeing the paint sprayer in the tub soaking. It is a wonderful way to start the day. And my favorite. When Ray puts the drywall tools in the van, like last night when we drove home with a bucket full of putrid smelling water/tools. Heavenly.

4. Having a sense of humor. Without it...I think it is pretty safe to say that I would be locked up, and in a home with padded cells :)

Thursday, February 18, 2010

While the cats away....

The mice get mopey! Ray is away working this week. So the boys and I have been trying to occupy ourselves! The first night we bought junk food to make ourselves feel better, and that didn't work. and then last night Adam was too tired to attempt anything with me, and I am guessing that he will be in the same state tonight.
Adam started playschool last week. My little boy is all grown up. He loves going. I have to wake him up each morning to get ready, and we are normally running a little behind because I am not a morning person! But I have never seen him get out of bed so fast! No dawdling, no whining. He eats up his cereal, and gets dressed, puts on his coat and boots and is waiting by the door before me! He goes twice a week, and he wishes it was more!
Taylor likes the fact that Adam goes too...he gets to play with all the toys! Now that we have Taylors sleeping and eating issues under control he is such a happy boy (and we are happier too!). He loves playing with Adam and tries to do everything that he does (which normally ends up with a bruise or two!). And Adam adores him. He is always trying to hug him, and share his toys. I can tell they are going to be trouble when they get older!
And as for Ray and I, nothing much has changed! Ray is working late in Lethbridge, and I am talking to myself at home. It is amazing how lost you can feel when your 'other half' is away.
Well the boys are currently trashing the office (just when I thought it couldn't get any messier!) looks like I wont be sitting on the couch during naptime!!