Monday, May 31, 2010

Aussie word of the day

 Can also be altered into "daggy"
Definition? Adam.
Let me explain. Adam is a dag when he decides to dress himself, not caring that he ends up putting his underwear on backwards, or even his pants for that matter. He is a dag when he wears odd socks, or has one sock inside out. Adam is a dag when he insists on walking around town with one of his Dads hats on...especially the bright orange one with a pom-pom on the top.
Adam is a dag when he dances. Don't get me wrong, he is one cute dag, but he has some interesting moves to say the least. Like his new dance that he invented one evening before getting into the bath. I don't think the name of this dance is fit for a family blog. Lets just say that it was named after one of his body parts...namely the part that was moving the most.
Now while I sometimes worry that as he gets older his daggy ways are going to work against him. For the moment I am very content to enjoy the laughter that it brings on. And the fact that he is teaching his brother how to be 'daggy'.

Friday, May 14, 2010

This time last year...

I was totally freaking out! I am pretty sure that at 10am I was being butchered by the nurse who did not remember how to put an IV in (I ended up with a black hand). I think Ray almost hit her...and then a couple of hours later (I think it was 2:41pm) I saw Taylor (I think I heard him first!). I cried, Ray cried. I don't remember when I first saw I made a point of being able to see Taylor. I was awake, and blissfully not feeling anything. I heard him scream as the nurses weighed him. I finally had my moment.
But is my Bug-a-Lugs first birthday!!
Time has flown...and yet dragged by at the same time. And while he is a different little boy, and a little on the demanding side, we really can't imagine life without him.
He has a smile that can light up a room. Eyes that make you melt. A banshee scream that can make you crazy. A waddle when he walks. A snuggle when he is tired, and a high five or a smile if you are lucky!
He is a sweet little boy, who is too anxious too grow up. He wants to do everything that Adam does, you can see the envy in his eyes. He has to eat what we are eating...and RIGHT NOW!
He has the ability to go from the sweetest little boy, tilting his head to look at you with a big grin on his frog mouth, to a high pitched squealing child who you would think is possessed.
He is a picky eater...but when he likes something, he really likes it! He will sit in his high chair with a whole slice of pizza, and go to town on it! He loves steak...even though he only has two teeth. Goldfish crackers are a favorite, along with my homemade bread rolls (with nothing on them!). He squeals in delight (and yes I can tell the difference) when you give him a banana. He loves his bottle...will not drink out of a sippy cup. He is a blanket boy...he will nuzzle into it and drag it around with him (lucky I bought him two!).
He is out sweet Buggy, Bug-a-Lug, Bo-bo, Bugster (you get the point!).
And now that this year is over (thank goodness!!) onward and upward! And a lot more craziness to come!! 
Happy Birthday Buggy!!!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

If I had the money...

I would buy a lock for my office door...thus keeping out little hands from playing with my craft things, and messing up my organized chaos!
I would get shelves for my office. I have to keep everything on the floor..of course this does nothing for the aforementioned little hands!
I would get the entry way finished...a railing would be nice to that when people come over...they do not expect to plummet to their death (And yes, Adam will tell you that if you fall you will crack your head open and die...hey don't judge works!). Paint and mudding, flooring, storage for shoes, hooks for coats would be great too...but I have gotten to the point where I consider those things 'luxury items'
I would get closet doors...I would love to be able to hide the mess on the floor when people wish to check out the en-suite...It is so embarrassing having 'unmentionables' laying on the floor from the morning, and not expecting anyone to go into your room!! I have been caught more than once!
I would get blinds/curtains for all my windows! I finally got curtains for the living room 18 months ago (no more blankets there!) and just got some blinds for the doors...however the rest of the house has blankets, or sheets...or nothing. Privacy would be nice.
I would hire someone to finish the house so that I didn't have to wait for Ray to have the time/energy to do it (after spending all day drywalling someone else's place...the last thing you want is to come home and do yours!)
I would buy more shoes. Ray has more shoes than I do...I am very picky! But if I had the money...maybe I wouldn't need to be so picky.
I would throw away all the clothes I never wear. I feel like I am holding on to them just so my side of the closet looks full (It really would be so empty if I took down the maternity clothes!) and replace them with things that I think are the moment! Ahh that would be so nice!
I would buy accessories. I never do because it seems to be indulging...but I would love to do it! Then of course I would have to figure out how to wear them all!
I would get my hair done more than once a year. Yep...once a year a cut and color. It seems like such a hassle (and expensive!!) so get a babysitter, sit around for 2 hours, and pay someone $120...but I always come out feeling like a million bucks!
I would decorate my house. I have even done a course in it! I have visions of what I want, and where I want it...I have sketches of what it will all look like...but not the money to do it. We only just got a book shelf! Our 4 boxes of books (half of which I lugged over from Australia) were just unpacked a couple of months ago...6 years in sad! And we still have stuff that I want on the walls, or on shelves...but alas my brain sees these a luxuries also.
   I would get a coffee table, a new bed...and a new mattress! One that doesn't make me get up in the middle of the night to crack my back!
I would get someone to landscape my we don't look like white trash. Although I don't know if anyone could make Ray keep his crap under control!! And I would have to stop dumping the garbage bags outside the front door, and actually take them out!

I could honestly go on and on...handbags (I LOVE bags!!) socks...I never seem to have enough...pajamas! It has been forever since I bought new ones...I think I have more pajamas than clothes! Books...I would go crazy on books. Hair things, cute clothes for the boys, stationary (I could live in Staples!). A Mac...I get very mad at my computer. I would get someone to do the companies book-keeping (so I didn't feel dumb).

But all in all, I have a warm bed, a husband who comes home each night (he may spend most of the night playing guitar, but he makes it home eventually). I have my boys to make me laugh and snuggle me, and kiss me when I am sad. 
Stuff can stay in boxes...people can continue to risk their lives by visiting out death trap of a house (it is true..missing vent covers...wires..lack of railings etc). But I have everything that I need :)